The Teal Deal

Dress: Target (shop similar)  |  Cardi: Target (shop similar)  |  Wedges: Target (similar)  |  Belt: H&M

Ever since college teal has been one of my favorite colors, but I actually don’t have a lot of teal clothing anymore because I was trying to bust out of my teal obsession for the last few years.  Teal, aqua, turquoise.  Almost all the same to me.  Teal was, of course, one of our wedding colors.  Ironically, it took me a long time to decide on that.  Then, when I told everyone that I’d finally decided on wedding colors and named teal in the mix, almost every person who knew me said, “Yeah, of course!  What else would they be?” as if I were so obsessed with teal that I wouldn’t have possibly chosen any other color.  Well, I guess they were right.  I tried, I really did, but teal always wins.

For some reason I would have never paired aqua with teal though.  In general, I never used to pair similar shades, but reading style blogs does crazy things to ya.  And I’m likin’ it.

Linked up at The Pleated Poppy!

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