Staples and “Splurges”

How have I not posted this on the blog before?  It’s an outfit made entirely of some of my favorite closet staples!  A striped dress, denim jacket, and tan accessories–it all makes the world feel right. 
I was going to call this one of my go-to mom uniforms, but who are we kidding?  This has been one of my go-to outfits since way, way, way before I ever became a mom.  It’s pretty darn convenient that all of my jersey cotton dresses and flats are perfect for baby corralling and accessories of drool and snot.  All glam over here, man.
(P.S. if you haven’t heard, this bag is a diaper bag that can also be used as a regular bag!)  

While these are all closet staples of mine, this denim jacket is new.  I’d been eyeing a lighter denim jacket for a while as I loved how fresh it makes outfits.  I put this in my cart during one of Old Navy’s big, big sales just to try it and ended up keeping it.  Did I need another denim jacket?  Ehhh, not really.  Do I regret spending $14 on it?  Ehh, also not really!

To most people a “splurge” is when you spend an exorbitant amount on something, but I tend to think of splurges as paying for something special or extra that I probably don’t NEED but would enjoy, whether expensive or inexpensive.  It can be clothing, a sweet treat, an office supply (because those have a special place in my nerdy heart), a nice meal out, nail polish, or whatever.  I like to let myself splurge sometimes (as long as I stay within my overall budget!)  While I didn’t NEED another denim jacket, I treated it as a fun $14 splurge.  And based on this outfit alone, I have no regrets so far!

I’m wearing this jacket in size S.

Almost all options below are under $25 and the other couple are under $40.

Links to Shop:
one  |  two  |  three  |  four
five (on sale!)  |  six  |  seven  |  eight

Shop for the Look:
Dress: H&M (similarsimilar, similar)
Jacket: Old Navy (exact, similar–on sale)
Belt: Target or H&M (can’t remember!)
Shoes: Target (exact, genuine leather version)
Bag: c/o Lily Jade (exact)

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