The Right to Bare Legs

Thanks for your insightful feedback yesterday about doing reviews.  Good to know many of you would find them helpful.  I really like the idea that it would open up the material on the blog a teensy bit more to anyone that doesn’t totally align with my shape, size, or style preferences.  Just because *I* don’t buy something doesn’t mean others shouldn’t!  Or maybe it does…like if the material sucks.  And I suppose that’s exactly why more info on items would help, isn’t it?  
Anyway, it was 74 degrees yesterday so I sucked it up and shaved my legs to seize the opportunity to bare legs.  And as a reward for that gusto, all day my pale legs blinded me whenever I caught sight of them.  So much for seizing opportunities.  Back to jeans it is.  😀
Links to Shop:
one  |  two  |  three
four  |  five  |  six

Shop for the Look:
Top: gift (similar, similar, similar)
Skirt: Lord & Taylor (similarsimilar, similar)
Shoes: Target (very similar, similar, similar)
Bag: Target (exact)

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